Deluxe Dark Knight Halloween Costume
From the motion picture Batman The Dark Knight comes this licensed Deluxe Muscle Chest Batman costume. The Dark Knight Halloween costume features a muscle chest jumpsuit with attached boot tops, a headpiece, cape and belt. Men sizes medium, large, and x-large.
The Dark Knight movies and the Batman V Superman movie hit box office records and adopted a new generation of Batman fans. Now you can be part of this incredible bat phenomenon, this Halloween you can dress up as Batman, available in different styles and sizes. The deluxe Dark Knight Batman costume for men includes a sculpted chest with muscle padding, giving you that more enhanced masculine heroic look. The deluxe version is available in full figure plus size so big boys can wear the costume for Halloween too! Fans are excited to hear the news that Batman will return in the new Justice League movie that will be released in November of this year!
Plus Size Deluxe Batman Costume
From the movie Dark Knight, this deluxe muscle Batman includes a muscle padded chest shirt, black cape, pants, belt, and headpiece. Men size: Plus 44-50. Overnight or Express Mail Delivery is optional for shipping.
The Dark Knight Rises 2012 Batman Costume
This is the new 2012 official Dark Knight Rises Grand Heritage costume at a lower price. To keep costs down, this version has a spandex pants and less muscle pieces, but still has the detailed chest piece with quality cowl, cape, and gloves.
Grand Heritage Batman Dark Knight Costume
If you want to look the real Batman from The Dark Knight movie, check out this amazing movie quality Batman costume from the Grand Heritage Collection. This theatrical quality costume is as impressive as the Batman cosplay that you see at comic book & anime events!
Adult Dark Knight Batman Gauntlets
Enhance your batman costume with these Batman gloves. One size fits most adult men.
Adult Super Hero Batman Boots
Enhance the look of your Batman Halloween costume with a pair of quality black super hero boots for adult men.
Adult Batman Cowl / Mask
This officially licensed full size latex Batman The Dark Knight mask is a great alternative for those who are looking for a higher quality Batman Halloween mask for their costume. Fits most adults and older teens.
Batman Dark Knight Dog Costume
This Halloween transform your dog into the Dark Knight of Gotham City! Available for small, medium, large, and XL dog sizes.
If you prefer the classic comic book Batman costumes, you can find the traditional grey suit Batman costumes here: