Batman’s notorious rival, the Harley Quinn, is one of the most unique female villains in Gotham City and the DC comic book universe. She made her original debut in the popular Batman The Animated Series during the early Nineties as the Joker’s partner in crime. The fans sometimes compare Batman’s rival, aka Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, as the female Joker in the Batman comics, video games, and cartoon series. Due to her popularity with the Dark Knight fans, we have found several fantastic Harley Quinn Halloween costumes available for shoppers this year. One of this year’s popular harlequin Halloween costumes is part of DC Comic’s line of Gotham Girls which also includes Poison Ivy, Batgirl, and Catwoman. This Halloween outfit includes a red and black jumpsuit with attached boot tops, black and red gloves, black eye mask, white neck collar, and headpiece. And check out the new child and teen Harley Quinn Halloween costumes as well as the new sexy Arkham City costume, and plus size Harley costumes for full figure women are now available for sale this season! So we have listed some good female joker harlequin costume and Harley Quinn costume ideas.
Best Harley Quinn Costume Ideas!
1X-4X Plus Size Harley Some beautiful girls need extra room in their costume, this cute plus size Harley Quinn dress is designed for comfort, fitting full figure women from sizes 1X to 4X. |
Child Harley Quinn Costume The popular classic Harley Quinn jumpsuit is now available for kids! If you are a fan of the original Harley Quinn from the Batman animated TV series and comic books. |
Deluxe Superhero Girls Harley Quinn Costume This is the deluxe version of the popular DC Superhero Girls costume for children. Available in girl sizes small, medium, and large. |
New Harley Jester Costume A new sexy spin on the Harley Quinn dress. Available in women sizes small/medium and medium/large or x-large (XL). |
Unlike most Batman characters, the character Harley Quinn were introduced to fans in the popular ’90s cartoon television series, Batman: The Animated Series, before debuting in the comic books. To the producer’s surprise, this super villainess Harley Quinn became very popular with these fans and her character’s popularity influenced DC Comics into adding her character into the Batman Universe, starting with a 1994 graphic novel called Mad Love, where we learn about the origin of the Harley. The comic book series also explored her dysfunctional “on and off” relationship as The Joker’s girlfriend then-wife. Her presence has recently expanded into Halloween costumes where she has been a popular Halloween costume with young women for the past few years, especially with her new Arkham City theme costumes.
Remember to shop early this year so you can buy one of these Batman’s Harley Quinn Halloween costumes at the best low discount sale price before the Halloween season! Don’t wait too long to dress up as one of Gotham City’s sexiest but dangerous super female villains. Halloween season is right around the corner so don’t wait to shop till the last minute because costume retail stores sell out of these harlequin costumes quickly for the season!
Trivia on Harley Quinn: The villainess’ alter ego is Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Unlike other DC comic villains, she was originally created as a character on the animated version of Batman and did not appear in the comic book series until afterward (2001-2003) due to the notoriety, amongst Batman fans. She also was adapted into a graphic novel called Mad Love before appearing in the comics. She has a relationship with The Joker and friendship with Poison Ivy.